OOPEAA Awarded 2nd Prize for a Vision for Ylöjärvi

Perspective view of the future central square in Ylöjärvi

The proposal, ”Kitara, taivas ja tähdet” (‘Guitar, Sky and Stars’) by OOPEAA together with tmi Otto Samuli Heinonen has been awarded second prize in a competition seeking for ideas for the vision for the future development of Ylöjärvi.

Vision for Future Ylöjärvi

The proposal draws from the long history of Ylöjärvi as an ideal location for business and services at the intersection of good transport links in proximity to Tampere, the third biggest city in Finland. The proposed plan creates a pleasant scale. It combines good transport connections, functioning services, lively urban space and a strong connection with nature, making Ylöjärvi an attractive place to live and do business.

With a balanced mix of versatile activities, connectedness and access to nature, the overall urban appearance of the future Ylöjärvi is spacious and green. With old and new buildings coexisting, the plan creates a rich temporal layering. It reflects the long tradition of Ylöjärvi as an important nodal place in the region. In the future, the improved rail and tram connections will further strengthen the role of Ylöjärvi as part of the urban network in the area around Tampere.

The current somewhat fragmented structure of the center of Ylöjärvi offers an excellent opportunity to create a framework for a socially active and barrier-free urban environment by completing the area with new buildings. The goal is to connect the different areas of the city and to create a compact, active and green city that has a human scale and is accessible and open to all.

Diagram presenting the Guitar, Sky and Stars, Sustainable Vision for Ylöjärvi

Tying Together the Different Parts of Ylöjärvi

The plan ties together the three different areas identified in the competition. It forms a whole in which each area brings its own important contribution to shaping the city into a comfortable and attractive place. A unified block structure helps to create a clear hierarchy between different functions and uses of space in the city. It establishes clear boundaries between private spaces and public urban space open to all.

With the future tram line and passanger train station stop, the center of Ylöjärvi will be even easier to reach by public transport. The light traffic overpass, in turn, complements the accessibility offered by public transport and connects different parts of the city into a unified whole.

With the help of a strong green strategy, a functional connection is created between the entire downtown area and beyond. It will improve the accessibility of the surrounding green areas. By creating green yards and parks, greenery is brought into the center of the city so that the green network extends to cover the entire city.

To strengthen the new role of the area as a gateway to the city and as a connection point within the city, two key elements are proposed: A sculptural and elegant light traffic overpass creates a new connection between the different parts of the city. A ribbon-like block with heights varying between 2-7-stories along the tracks parallel to Station Road provides a centrally located place for living and working. The block is carefully designed to be protected from traffic noise.

Perspective view of the new overpass that connects the different parts of Ylöjärvi into a continuous network of access to greenery

Advantages of Building with Wood

It is possible to implement new construction in all three design areas using wood as a building material. The proposed typology of buildings enables wood construction, which works even in challenging foundation conditions thanks to its lightness. The blocks are designed in such a way that a pleasant microclimate is formed inside and around them. Together with the use of wood, passive sun protection and solar collectors create an ecological solution, while the dense block structure supports the formation of a sense of community between the residents.

  • For more information on the proposed plan for the future development of Ylöjärvi, see HERE.
  • For more information on the results of the competition, see HERE.